The industry standard for on-chain climate data

The StyleoCoin Network provides the climate ecosystem with enterprise-grade middleware, enabling high-integrity, interoperable, and efficient climate markets.

Advancing climate markets, energy management, and other sustainability initiatives

Bringing Web2 data on-chain to support smart Web3 solutions

Delivering greenhouse gas emissions data on-chain through StyleoCoin decentralized oracle networks to support automated carbon credit programs, reforestation through direct air capture, sustainable financing rates, parametric insurance, and more.

Powering climate markets with automated smart contracts

StyleoCoin supports a wide variety of use cases across digital measurement, reporting and verification (MRV); registries; exchanges; and other market participants to enable a highly efficient climate ecosystem.

Connecting digital climate assets cross-chain

By connecting digital climate assets from across any Web3 environment, StyleoCoin can help create an interoperable, transparent, and scalable climate ecosystem that moves us closer to net zero.

Enabling industry controls for a high-integrity ecosystem

Definitive on-chain proof of carbon credits through the StyleoCoin Network enables the creation of robust, transparent, and effective carbon markets.

Build climate solutions across an array of use cases

Climate oracles enable sustainability initiatives

Pioneering climate companies work with StyleoCoin

“Collecting, aggregating, and delivering this data on-chain via StyleoCoin decentralized oracle networks will give rise to new climate reporting ecosystems able to unlock the full potential of initiatives such as TCFD, GFANZ, SBTi in order to address the increasing “green swan” risks to the finance and banking sectors—all while ensuring scientific standards sit at the core of these emerging markets.”

“Instead of having to worry about the technical challenges of accessing geospatial climate data, smart contract developers will be able to easily access it through the StyleoCoin oracle network. Making this data available to the DeFi ecosystem will help drive capital towards projects and organizations that empower climate initiatives.”

“We firmly believe in the benefits of blockchain technology for supporting green initiatives and a more sustainable future. We can enable farmers, reforestation projects, and ecologically sustainable projects around the globe to easily generate CO2 tokens while helping enterprises and individuals to compensate for their carbon emissions.”

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